A Personal Choice : Taking Responsibility and Decision-Making
“Personal responsibility takes rejecting the pain and hurt we learned as children and deciding to create a new legacy of success, kindness, and love.” ― Charles F Glassman
Personal Responsibility and Decision-Making
"Personal responsibility refers to the idea that individuals are accountable for their actions, behaviors, and choices. It involves recognizing the consequences of one's actions and taking ownership of those consequences, whether they are positive or negative. Decision-making is an essential aspect of personal responsibility as it involves making choices and taking actions based on personal values, beliefs, and goals.
Personal responsibility and decision-making go hand in hand. When individuals make decisions, they assume responsibility for the outcomes that result from those choices. This includes accepting both the rewards and the potential consequences that come with their decisions.
Here are a few key points about personal responsibility and decision-making:
1. Awareness: Personal responsibility begins with self-awareness. It involves understanding one's values, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and the impact of one's actions on oneself and others.
2. Freedom of choice: Personal responsibility recognizes that individuals have the freedom to make choices. However, along with freedom comes the responsibility to consider the potential consequences of those choices.
3. Consequences: Every decision has consequences, and personal responsibility involves acknowledging and accepting those consequences, whether they are positive or negative. It means not blaming others or external circumstances for the outcomes but taking ownership and learning from them.
4. Ethical considerations: Personal responsibility encompasses making decisions that align with one's ethical framework. It involves considering the impact of choices on others and acting in a manner consistent with personal values and principles.
5. Problem-solving: Decision-making is often about problem-solving. Taking personal responsibility means actively seeking solutions to challenges and not shying away from making difficult choices.
6. Learning and growth: Personal responsibility involves embracing opportunities for learning and personal growth. It means reflecting on past decisions and experiences, identifying areas for improvement, and taking steps to develop oneself.
7. Adaptability: Personal responsibility requires adaptability and the willingness to adjust decisions if necessary. It involves being open to new information, feedback, and alternative perspectives, and being willing to make changes accordingly.
Overall, personal responsibility and decision-making are interconnected concepts that emphasize the importance of individuals taking ownership of their choices, actions, and their impact on themselves and others. By embracing personal responsibility and making thoughtful decisions, individuals can lead more intentional and fulfilling lives." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)
My personal response to a Facebook Statement of Relationship between Choices and Origin (of Responsibility and Decision-Making)
Our past - especially our development as a child, will have an impact on our emotional development / decision-making (or the lack thereof). Someone with a diagnosed personality disorder i.e. Borderline Personality Disorder / or any other (mood) disorder on the Cluster B Personality Disorder spectrum - as per DSM-5™ criteria and diagnosis (Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder will be impacted on choices he / or she will make especially in relation to other people (in close and or family relationships) - due to unresolved childhood trauma / neglect.
Therefore, an underdeveloped sense of self could lead to (severe) impaired emotions and decision-making. People with Cluster B Disorders generally lack emotional intelligence, have an incoherent sense of identity, low level of empathy towards others and could succumb to irrational personal relationship decision-making (due to these identity deficiencies - as a distorted reference to sense of self).
Even people with addictions (as a choice / decision - that could impact decisions in close relationships with other people) could be traced back to childhood psychological, sexual and verbal abuse, trauma and / or neglect. Parents / care givers play a vital role in the emotional development of the child - if there was i.e. love, care, gratitude, respect and peace in the family environment the child (and adult later) should have a more coherent and healthy approach in his / her future relationships (and mindful emotional state / decision-making) - in the absence of love, care, gratitude and peace, the child (and later adult) could be severely impaired with regard to i.e. no empathy towards others, ingratitude, poor decision-making, lack of remorse and diminished sense of self.
It does not mean someone with impaired decision-making should be excused - it means that the 'normal' individual in relation to them should be mindful that there are indeed real reasons why impaired decision-makers make their 'as is' decisions without rational conscience, responsibility and or perpetual lack of gratitude / remorse. You may find these individuals make (important) important decisions out of anger, anxiety, fear, lack of confidence, sarcasm and / or identity deficiency - as projection for shielding a weak sense of self.
© Vernon Chalmers : Mental Health and Motivation (Responsibility and Decision-Making)