Perfectionism: Awareness, Research and Resources
“Perfectionism is the unparalleled defense for emotionally abandoned children. The existential unattainability of perfection saves the child from giving up, unless or until, scant success forces him to retreat into the depression of a dissociative disorder, or launches him hyperactively into an incipient conduct disorder. Perfectionism also provides a sense of meaning and direction for the powerless and unsupported child. In the guise of self-control, striving to be perfect offers a simulacrum of a sense of control. Self-control is also safer to pursue because abandoning parents typically reserve their severest punishment for children who are vocal about their negligence.” ― Pete Walker
- Perfectionism and Mental Health Research
- Symptoms of Perfectionism
Mental Health and Perfectionism
"Mental health and perfectionism can be closely intertwined, as perfectionism can contribute to the development or exacerbation of various mental health issues. Perfectionism refers to the tendency to set extremely high standards for oneself and to strive for flawlessness in all areas of life. While it is normal to have certain standards and goals, perfectionism takes it to an extreme level, leading to unrealistic expectations and a constant fear of failure.Here are a few ways in which perfectionism can impact mental health:
1. Anxiety and stress: Perfectionists often experience high levels of anxiety and stress due to the constant pressure they put on themselves to meet impossibly high standards. They may worry excessively about making mistakes, being judged by others, or not being able to live up to their own expectations.
2. Depression: The relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and disappointment when those impossibly high standards are not met. Over time, this can contribute to the development of depression and a negative self-image.
3. Self-esteem issues: Perfectionists tend to tie their self-worth to their achievements and external validation. When they don't meet their own lofty expectations, they may experience a significant blow to their self-esteem. This constant cycle of striving for perfection and feeling inadequate can be detrimental to overall mental well-being.
4. Procrastination and avoidance: Paradoxically, perfectionism can sometimes lead to procrastination and avoidance. The fear of not meeting high standards can be so overwhelming that individuals may avoid starting or completing tasks altogether. This avoidance can further perpetuate feelings of guilt, stress, and self-criticism.
5. Relationship difficulties: Perfectionism can impact relationships as well. Perfectionists may have unrealistic expectations of others, leading to frustration and disappointment when those expectations are not met. This can strain relationships and contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
It's important to note that not all perfectionism is detrimental to mental health. There is a concept called "adaptive perfectionism," which involves having high standards while maintaining a healthy balance and realistic expectations. However, when perfectionism becomes excessive and interferes with daily functioning and well-being, it can be problematic.
If you or someone you know is struggling with perfectionism and its impact on mental health, it can be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be effective in addressing perfectionism and its related challenges by promoting self-acceptance, realistic goal-setting, and healthier coping strategies." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)
A Systematic Review on the Psychological Effects of Perfectionism and Accompanying Treatment Scientific Research
Academic Perfectionism, Psychological Well-Being, and Suicidal Ideation in College Students NIH
Am I A Perfectionist? 5 Traits and Signs Cleveland Clinic
Am I A Perfectionist? 5 Traits and Signs Cleveland Clinic
Get To The Root Cause Of Your Perfectionism Article
How to Manage Your Perfectionism HBR
How to Let Go of Perfectionism Psych Central
Perfectionists tend to have Mental Health Problems... Daily Sabah
How Perfectionism Affects Your (Mental) Health Article
How Perfectionism Is Linked to Anxiety and Mental Health UPMC Health Beat
How Perfectionism Is Linked to Anxiety and Mental Health UPMC Health Beat
Little-Known Signs of Perfectionism Psychology Today
Lowering your Standards can improve your Mental Health Washington Post
Lowering your Standards can improve your Mental Health Washington Post
Perfectionism: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention Article
Perfectionism and Anxiety: The Problem With Trying to Be Perfect health
Perfectionism and Anxiety: The Problem With Trying to Be Perfect health
Perfectionists tend to have Mental Health Problems... Daily Sabah
Poor Mental Health and Perfectionism Article
What Causes Perfectionism? Psych Central
When Perfect Isn't Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism
🎓 Mental Health, Psychology and Relationship Resources
Signs You May Be a Perfectionist Article
Signs You’re Too Much of a Perfectionist Article
The Dangerous Downsides of perfectionism BBC
The Many Faces of Perfectionism American Psychological Association
Unexpected Reasons Why Perfectionism Is Bad for Your Mental Health Mindful Health Solutions
The Many Faces of Perfectionism American Psychological Association
Unexpected Reasons Why Perfectionism Is Bad for Your Mental Health Mindful Health Solutions
What Causes Perfectionism? Psych Central
Perfectionism and Mental Health Book Mentions:
When Perfect Isn't Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism
Martin Antony PH.D. / Richard Swinson M.D. FRCPC FRCP
The Perils of Perfectionism - Video