04 January 2023

Addictions in College: What They Are & How to Avoid Them

Why Do Students Develop Addictions? : Types of Addictions among Students

Addictions in College: What They Are & How to Avoid Them

College is, without a doubt, a life-changing experience. For many, it’s the first time they’re no longer surrounded by their family, and their parents can no longer control them. There is so much to learn, so many things to do, and countless decisions to make.

Amidst all of these newfound freedoms, it becomes very easy to develop an addiction. Statistics say that as many as 37% of students abuse alcohol or illegal substances. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to prevent this grave problem. (Source: Psychology Writing)

From this article by our psychology writing experts, you will learn:
  • Main types of addiction in students
  • Ways to avoid developing them
  • Where to look for help in case things get out of control

Why Do Students Develop Addictions?

Risk Factors for Developing Addictions in College

Types of Addictions among Students
  • Alcohol Addiction
  • Nicotine Dependence
  • Drug Addiction
  • Technology Addiction
  • Food Addiction
  • Caffeine Dependence

How to Avoid Addictions in College: 12 Effective Tips

Where to Seek Help

How to Know It’s Time to Stop


Learn more about  'Addictions in College: What They Are & How to Avoid Them' on the Psychology Writing Website.

Source / Reference: Psychology Writing

Published with permission from Psychology Writing