01 January 2025

Social Media Addiction

Social Media Addiction: Awareness, Research and Resources

Social Media Addiction

In an era of instant access, social media has confused people between knowledge, opinion and popularity; whatever is popular is assumed to be true. Individuals who lack followers, likes, shares and comments on social media often retreat into low self-esteem, depression, substance abuse, or even suicide.” ― Rajiv Malhotra

Social Media Addiction Research

Social Media Addiction
"Social media addiction refers to a compulsive and excessive use of social media platforms that interferes with a person's daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. It shares similarities with other behavioral addictions, like gambling or internet addiction, as it involves the inability to control one's impulses despite negative consequences.

Symptoms of Social Media Addiction:

1. Preoccupation: Constantly thinking about social media, even when not using it.

2. Compulsive use: Difficulty in controlling the time spent on social media platforms, leading to excessive use.

3. Neglecting responsibilities: Neglecting work, school, or other important tasks due to social media use.

4. Withdrawal symptoms: Feeling anxious, irritable, or restless when unable to access social media.

5. Escapism: Using social media to escape from real-life problems or emotions.

6. Negative impact on relationships: Neglecting relationships or face-to-face interactions in favor of social media connections.

7. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Constantly checking social media to stay updated on others' activities, fearing that missing out on something important might happen.

8. Self-esteem issues: Comparing oneself to others on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem.

9. Sleep disturbances: Using social media late into the night, which can disrupt sleep patterns.

10. Self-isolation: Choosing to spend more time on social media than engaging in social activities with friends and family.

Causes of Social Media Addiction:

1. Psychological factors: Individuals who struggle with low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, or anxiety might find solace or validation in social media interactions.

2. Dopamine reward system: Social media platforms are designed to trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, which reinforces the behavior and can lead to addiction-like patterns.

3. Peer pressure: The fear of being left out or not being part of the online social circles can drive excessive social media use.

4. Ease of access: Social media is readily available on smartphones and other devices, making it easy to engage with impulsively.

5. Targeted advertising: Social media platforms use algorithms to show personalized content, which can keep users engaged for longer periods.

6. Social comparison: Constantly comparing oneself to others on social media can create a cycle of seeking validation and approval.

Treatment and Management:

1. Self-awareness: Recognizing that there is a problem and acknowledging the negative impact of excessive social media use.

2. Setting boundaries: Establishing specific time limits and designated periods for social media use.

3. Digital detox: Taking breaks from social media for a set period to break the addiction cycle.

4. Seeking support: Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional about the addiction can be beneficial.

5. Replacing the habit: Finding alternative activities or hobbies to replace the time spent on social media.

6. App blockers: Using apps or tools that limit access to social media platforms during certain hours.

7. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): A therapeutic approach that can help individuals identify and modify the underlying thought patterns driving social media addiction.

8. Support groups: Joining online or in-person support groups with others facing similar challenges.

Remember, moderate and mindful use of social media is essential for maintaining a healthy balance between virtual and real-life interactions. If you feel that your social media use is impacting your well-being and daily life, don't hesitate to seek professional help and support." (Source: ChatGPT 2023)

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Research Trends in Social Media Addiction and problematic Social Media use: A bibliometric Analysis Frontiers in Psychiatry

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The Relationship between Addictive use of Social Media, Narcissism, and Self-Esteem: Findings from a large national survey Science Direct

The Social Media Addiction: What Have We Learned So Far? – A Review Lumen Publishing

What Is Social Media Addiction? Addiction Center

Why people are becoming Addicted to Social Media: A Qualitative Study NIH

Social Media Addiction - How it Changes Your Brain | Luke Burgis : Video

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