01 August 2024

The Psychology of Morality

The Psychology of Morality: Awareness, Research and Resources

The Psychology of Morality

Morality is not just any old topic in psychology but close to our conception of the meaning of life. Moral goodness is what gives each of us the sense that we are worthy human beings.”— Steven Pinker

The Psychology of Morality Research

The Psychology of Morality

"The psychology of morality, also known as moral psychology, explores how humans understand and make decisions about what is right and wrong. This field intersects with ethicss, psychology, and philosophy, and covers a wide range of topics including:Moral Judgment: How people determine what is morally right or wrong.
  • Moral Reasoning: The process by which individuals think through moral issues.
  • Moral Emotions: Feelings like guilt, shame, empathy, and indignation that influence moral behavior.
  • Moral Development: How moral understanding and behavior evolve over a person’s lifetime.
  • Moral Identity: How individuals integrate moral values into their self-concept 1 2.

Moral psychology also examines concepts like altruism (selfless concern for others) and psychological egoism (the idea that humans are motivated by self-interest), as well as the role of cultural and biological factors in shaping moral behavior 1 2." (Source: Microsoft Copilot)

Ethics and Morality Psychology Today

Ethics and Us: A Review of the Moral Psychology Field Jillian Meyer '23 DePauw University   PDF Download

Morality: The Psychology of Ethical Behavior Shortform

Moral Psychology: Empirical Approaches Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Our Brains are Wired for Morality: Evolution, Development, and Neuroscience Frontiers of Young Minds

The Psychology behind Morality Psychologs

The Psychology of Moral Conviction Annual Reviews

The Psychology of Morality: A review and Analysis of Empirical Studies Published from 1940 through 2017 APA Psycnet

The Psychology of Morality: Connections Between Five Research Themes ResearchGate

The Psychology of Morality Diane Sunar, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey

The Psychology of Moral Reasoning Cambridge University Press

The Psychology of Morality -  Video 

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