01 January 2025

The Narcissist and Time Management

 Narcissists and (the lack of) Time Management: Awareness and Resources

The Narcissist and Time Management

Lack of time is actually lack of priorities.”  – Timothy Ferris

“The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it” – Arthur Schopenhauer

Time Management and the Narcissist

What Causes Chronic Lateness?

Why are Narcissists Always Late?

The Narcissist and Time Management 

"Narcissists tend to have an unique approach to time management, often prioritizing their own goals and desires over others’ time and commitments. This can manifest in several ways, particularly in relationships or work environments:

  • Overestimating Their Value: Narcissists may feel that their time is more valuable than others’, leading them to ignore or minimize others' schedules or obligations. They may expect others to be available whenever they need attention, dismissing others' commitments as unimportant or secondary.

  • Chronic Lateness or Canceling: Narcissists might be late frequently, reschedule at the last minute, or even cancel plans altogether. This behavior often communicates that they consider their time more precious than the person they’re dealing with, enforcing a hierarchy where their needs come first.

  • Constantly Reprioritizing: Due to their need for validation, narcissists often shift their focus to whatever or whoever will provide immediate gratification or a sense of importance. This can lead them to drop tasks, appointments, or commitments as they pursue whatever will serve their needs in the moment.

  • Narcissists often favor short-term goals that offer immediate rewards over long-term planning. Their need for quick validation can mean that they overlook important but "less glamorous" steps in a project, often leading to unfulfilled promises or projects left incomplete.

  • Using Time as a Control Mechanism: Narcissists might manipulate others’ time as a way to assert control. This can include keeping someone waiting to test their patience or to create a dynamic of authority, where the narcissist is the one calling the shots.

  • Narcissists often act as if their time is more valuable than anyone else's. They may keep people waiting, arrive late without apology, or frequently reschedule commitments, showing little regard for the time or plans of others. This is tied to their entitlement and lack of empathy.

  • Expecting Special Treatment: Narcissists often demand exceptions to deadlines or favor extended timelines for their own needs while expecting others to follow strict deadlines. This inconsistency can create tension, particularly in workplace settings, where they might contribute less to projects but still seek credit.

  • Because narcissists prioritize activities that offer immediate gratification or recognition, they may procrastinate on tasks that lack these rewards. Routine responsibilities or things that don’t bring attention can be pushed aside, often leading to last-minute rushes or missed deadlines.

  • The narcissistic approach to time management often results in others feeling undervalued or manipulated. Recognizing these patterns can be useful in establishing boundaries that prevent excessive disruption, especially in high-stakes or collaborative environments." (ChatGPT 2024)

"Managing time effectively can be particularly challenging when dealing with a narcissistic individual, whether it's a boss, colleague, or even a friend. Narcissists often have a strong sense of entitlement and can be very demanding of your time and attention 1. Here are some strategies to help manage your time when dealing with a narcissist:

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Establish and maintain clear boundaries to protect your time and energy 2. Be firm but polite in communicating these boundaries.

  • Stay Focused on Your Goals: Keep your own goals and priorities in mind. Don't let the narcissist's demands derail you from your tasks.

  • Limit Interaction: Minimize unnecessary interactions with the narcissist. Keep conversations short and to the point.

  • Document Everything: Keep a record of your interactions, agreements, and commitments. This can help in case you need to refer back to specific details.

  • Seek Support: Talk to trusted colleagues, friends, or a therapist about your experiences. They can offer valuable advice and emotional support.: (Microsoft Copilot)

Chronic Lateness Scourmanop

How Narcissists Use Time To Control You Medium

How to Recognize a Covert Narcissist Verywell Mind

Managing Employees With Narcissistic Personality Traits Federal Employment Law Training Group

Narcissism and Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review and an Agenda for Future Research Frontiers in Psychology

Performance Managing the Narcissist Linkedin

Perpetual Lateness in People caused by Multiple Factors, Psychologists say The Brussels Times

Seven Reasons Why a Narcissist is Always Late for an Event Inner Toxic Relief

Supervisor Narcissism and Time Theft: Investigating the Mediating Roles of Emotional
Exhaustion and the Moderating Roles of Attachment Style Frontiers in Psychology

The Damage Done: Dealing with Narcissists in the Workplace SRM Foundation

The Narcissist's Time HealthyPlace

The Psychology of Lateness Psychology Today

Why Narcissists Are Late... LinkedIn

Why Narcissists Are Late Narcissisms

What Causes Chronic Lateness? 3 Theories The Week

The Narcissist and Time Keeping - Video

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