22 February 2025

From Analytical Education to Creative Training Part 2

Vernon Chalmers Academic, Business, Training and Development Journey

Intel Corporation, Founding of Blu-C, Neuropsychology and Photography

Part 2 | Part 1

Intel® Core™ i5-9400F CPU (2019)
Intel® Core™ i5-9400F CPU (2019)
"The "Intel Inside" campaign has been one of the most successful branding campaigns in history." - Harvard Business Publishing

Intel Corporation - Working on the 'Intel Inside' campaign and more...
During this busy time (of lecturing and consulting day and most evenings) I was very fortunate to be recruited by Intel Corporation (USA) as the company entered the local Information Technology market with Information Technology, Marketing and Sales offices in three South African cities. At the time Intel was a Global Top 10 company in the S&P Fortune 500 Company Index (as one of the world's largest semiconductor / CPU manufacturers) - to manage the commercial desktop Central Processing Unit (CPU) world renowned 'Intel Inside' advertising / education campaigns and the more industrial 'Intel Product Integrator' and (Intel Workstation / Server / CPU's, related high-performance Motherboards / Network Interface Cards) Sales, Marketing and related Dealer Training programmes in Cape Town.

My Intel EMEA (UK) regional director was one of the senior members involved in the development of the original (and famed) 'Intel Inside' advertising / brand campaign. Intel Corporation entered the South African market in 1997 and as one of about 5 South Africans I regularly attended Intel CPU / Information Systems Architecture and Integration Training in various UK  / European cities. My Home / Office was directly linked (via Intel and Telkom) to the Intel USA, UK and German offices by international secure DSL technologies that were not financially viable (at the time) for most local SME's. In my capacity as an Intel SA staff member I advocated for local cost-reductions and even had a letter published in the SA Financial Mail magazine.

Iconic Reading: "The Intel Trinity: How Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy Grove Built the World's Most Important Company" by Michael S. Malone Amazon

Inspired by Intel's PhD founders, Robert NoyceGordon Moore and Andy Grove it was more than an honour and privilege to work for one of the world's top-ranked (Information Technology) companies at the time. I have had the opportunity to meet / work with the U.S.-based Intel Corporation CEO and Chairman of the Intel Board, Dr. Craig Barrett in Johannesburg and was inspired by his charismatic and highly intelligent, but humble global business leadership approach. In many ways Intel Corporation (with it's famous founders and extraordinary semiconductor / technology journey since the 1960's) motivated me to do even more (on my own) with Information Technology, Education and Training.

Don’t be encumbered by history, just go out and do something wonderful.” ― Robert Noyce, Intel

The Founding of Blu-C and beyond...
I left Intel after a few years to pursue further part-time postgraduate studies towards an MBA, offering advanced Business / Financial Administration, International Economics, Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Development, Risk Management etc. Together with my friend, Joseph Inns, (an Art / Photography lecturer and Graphic Design entrepreneur) we founded the exciting 'dot.com' start-up of Blu-C - a creative Internet, IT (Desktop System Integration and Networking), Database Development, Graphic Design, Public Relations and Photography agency in Pinelands and later Rondebosch, Cape Town. Recruitment and selection of new staff were ingenious and effective - we both recruited from our own best students / graduates (who we thought would fit into our entrepreneurial culture) from relevant subjects we both lectured. Joseph worked full-time at Blu-C while I balanced my time between my daily Blu-C KPA's and my part-time studying / lecturing (close to the office in Rondebosch, but also Cape Town, Granger Bay and Bellville).

What was quite interesting was that Joseph (as art and photography partner) and his staff only worked on Apple computers while the rest of us worked on Intel-based PC's and laptops. At least I could purpose-built / integrate / network the Intel PC's myself and therefore developed an extremely cost-effective computer environment for about 80% of our required IT needs. On many late afternoons myself and Joseph would sit alone in our office and marvelled at our IT systems which formed such a significant part of our operations and internal / external communications.

After four years as executive partner at Blu-C (and spending half the time in classrooms again) I decided it was time to call it a day and returned to (almost) full-time lecturing, JSE Derivatives Trading, Organisational / Information Technology consulting and private Internet Marketing / Social Media Strategy consulting / training across the Western Cape, Durban and Johannesburg. Joseph took full ownership and control of Blu-C. To assist me with my demanding traveling schedules I developed my first personal academic resource-sharing website. Different sections of the website represented different universities / subjects and my students could register online and securely up / download subject-specific information (while away from campus) without manual intervention from me.

Privilege and Responsibility
I never had a favourite or preferred subject. The privilege to contribute to so many careers and lives came with an enormous sense of responsibility and motivation during the entire 'left brain' lecturing / facilitation period. I have very fond memories of lecturing at the SA Navy's Military Training School / Naval Staff College. I enjoyed the discipline, military organisational structure and the close-knit social environment. I also learned about / enjoyed international traveling and was subjected to a sublime professional business culture at one of the most successful global IT organisations (while working / training at Intel Corporation). One thing I did not really enjoy after leaving the SA Navy was the endless driving between university campuses during the week and many Saturday mornings, but always with the same objectives of being prepared and never to be a minute late (albeit with the same privilege and motivation). At Intel Corporation it was more / less the same, the endless travelling schedule across South Africa and abroad took its toll on all the other plans 'I had in my head'. Nevertheless, I am still grateful for each and every opportunity I received.

Vernon Chalmers Synergy between Learning and Training

Paradigm Shift: Education and Training to Creative Application, Research and Training
Since 2010 I started with a complete paradigm shift, transitioning from the above in creating the Vernon Chalmers Photography / Photography Training website. I transformed my photography hobby into an educational, training and support system by first educating myself with a thorough academic understanding of the art and science of photography, followed by application through the research, design, development and facilitation of various Canon EOS Camera & Photography Workshops and currently, one-on-one Training Programmes (Birds in Flight / Landscape / Macro / Speedlite Flash / Image Post-Processing) at my Milnerton training studio apartment (opposite Woodbridge Island), Cape Town.

Vernon Chalmers Photography Training Philosophy

Canon Camera News Website
I started researching and archiving the entire Canon EOS SLR / DSLR / EF / EF-S lens, PowerShot camera ranges (and related accessories, manuals and international media releases) and during 2012 launched my Canon Camera News website. Today the website (with the full range of the current Canon mirrorless EOS R System cameras - and RF / RF-S lenses) is an 'one-stop online destination' to more than a million global Canon camera (and to a lesser extent Canon small office / home laser and inkjet printer) users for the viewing / downloading of historic and up-to-date Canon camera and printer-related support information (for a growing international user circulation of +- 130 countries per year).

The 'ever-present' Joseph Inns
My friend, photography lecturer and former business partner, Joseph Inns, played an extraordinary role in assisting me with my transition into photography. He's knowledge, experience and personal qualities guided me in more ways he would ever have known. Joseph unfortunately passed away in 2021. I dearly miss my friend, but will never forget the absolute meaningful impact / paradigm shift he has brought to my life and career. Grieving the loss of my friend, Joseph Inns

Delegates during a Vernon Chalmers Landscape Practical Session on Milnerton Beach : Mental Health and Motivation
Delegates during a Landscape Practical Session Milnerton Beach, Cape Town : Photo Credit: Steve Williams

Image 2: Vernon Chalmers Photography Training Milnerton / Woodbridge Island

Students during a recent Landscape / Seascape Photography Workshop at Milnerton Beach. Theory (settings / composition) was presented at Intaka Island, Century City and practical sessions for Canon and Nikon photographers were facilitated around Woodbridge Island and Milnerton Beach.  About everything during the years stayed the same (although I have completely changed subjects). I have the same intensity and interest in the development and training of people. 

Vernon Chalmers Intaka Island Photography View >>

Vernon Chalmers Kirstenbosch Garden Photography View >>

Vernon Chalmers Woodbridge Island Photography View >>

Vernon Chalmers Photography Training View >>

Vernon Chalmers Night / Long Exposure Photography View >>

Photography is absolutely more creative than any of the left brain subjects I facilitated, but the personal responsibility, research, preparation, support and ultimately the privilege is the same (for me).

Mental Health and Motivation Website
The Mental Health and Motivation website was created during May 2021 as an online journaling project publishing my personal experiences, research and views with reference to Emotional Wellbeing, Neuropsychology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sense of Self Research / Resource Sharing. More >>

Mental Health and Photography: Awareness, Research and Resources

Mental Health and Motivation Website

Human Brain Asymmetry and Lateralization
With my omnipresent interest in education, training and developmental psychology I have found contemporary neuroscience as a fundamental physiological requirement for gaining more insight into cognitive vs. emotional decision-making biases and subsequent behavioural responses. Learning more about human brain asymmetry and lateralisation and how the limbic system controls our cognition, motivation, emotions and stress reactions etc. are indeed fascinating, but also serves as important personal guidance in understanding more about human behaviour challenges / development.   

Vernon Chalmers Existential Motivation >>

Photography Training Research Project 2024 / 2025
Metacognitive Assessment and Review Opinion: Photography Training and Development. 
This research project will be inclusive of a fundamental pedagogic assessment orientation with emphasis on creating assumptions of the adult learner's challenges in improving cognition, behaviour, skills and creative ability. More >>

CFD Trading on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)
What I did retain form my more analytical 'left brain days' is my Contract for Difference (CFD) derivatives trading portfolio on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). This is an effective way of keeping my mind sharp and it provides for my only 'fixed' daily schedule - the JSE is open Monday to Friday between 09:00 - 17:00. I am mindful of every trading day with these 'office hours' in check - even if I don't trade and am busy with photography and / or psychology research projects. I trade for myself only, therefore the research, decision-making and management of my own derivatives portfolio is a personal, but 'challenging strategy, application and risk management exercise' for stimulating analytical thinking. 

I have been investing in shares and trading derivatives for more than 20 years. In the beginning I invested through the traditional paper-based stockbroker system (up to the early 2000's) and after the introduction of online share trading I started trading via an online JSE-accredited and direct-linked trading platform. It all started in the beginning of a semester lecturing my first Economics class during the mid-1990's when a student asked me to explain a particular 'financial theory of stock market investment decision-making and risk management' in more practical terms. That same afternoon I phoned a local stockbroker and placed an order for my first share trading transaction. For the rest of the year we analysed and tracked the company's share performance on the JSE. It was a thorough hands-on learning experience with and through my students. I nostalgically retained the shares for many years as I curated and developed my first share portfolio.

Soon after I started with online share trading I migrated my complete portfolio to high-risk leveraged derivatives trading only. I profusely researched the psychological greed and fear technical analysis indicators of the (long and short-term) institutional and individual buyers / sellers' collective trading behaviour and attended many fundamental and technical trading training sessions offered by my online broker / market maker. My current CFD portfolio is substantially trimmed due to the consistent high international (and local) socio-economic and socio-political financial market risks. A few years ago I would confidentially trade two CFD portfolios with a combined constituency allocation of about 25 listed companies in the JSE Top 40 Index. Currently I trade a single portfolio with only 2 - 5% of my original portfolio constituents. I only trade Top 40 SA JSE-listed companies with large market capitalisations in industries / sectors that is well researched by myself over many years, with strong fundamentals / HEPS (headline earnings per share), reliable long-term corporate management and also only if I am a current consumer client (in purchasing / using their products / services).

How I started Share Trading on the JSE...

© Vernon Chalmers : Mental Health and Motivation (Education and Training)

From Analytical Education to Creative Training: Supporting Information
"Shifting from analytical education to creative training involves a focus on fostering creativity, innovation, and critical thinking skills in students. Here are some key aspects to consider when transitioning from an analytical approach to a more creative and experiential learning environment:

1. Encouraging Exploration and Curiosity: Create an atmosphere that encourages students to explore different ideas, ask questions, and think critically. Foster a sense of curiosity by providing opportunities for hands-on experiences, experimentation, and problem-solving.

2. Emphasizing Critical Thinking: Develop activities and assignments that promote critical thinking skills, such as analyzing complex problems, evaluating multiple perspectives, and generating innovative solutions. Encourage students to think critically about the information they encounter and challenge traditional assumptions.

3. Incorporating Project-Based Learning: Implement project-based learning approaches where students can engage in real-world problem-solving. Design projects that require creativity, collaboration, and interdisciplinary thinking. This approach allows students to apply their knowledge in practical ways and encourages innovative thinking.

4. Promoting Collaboration and Communication: Encourage collaborative learning environments where students can work together in groups to solve problems, brainstorm ideas, and share diverse perspectives. This helps students develop effective communication skills and learn from each other's unique experiences and insights.

5. Integrating Arts and Design: Incorporate arts-based activities, such as visual arts, music, drama, and design, into the curriculum. These activities can stimulate creativity, foster self-expression, and encourage students to think outside the box. They also provide alternative avenues for students to explore and express their ideas.

6. Providing Flexibility and Choice: Offer students more flexibility and choice in their learning paths. Allow them to pursue topics of interest and explore different approaches to assignments. This autonomy can enhance motivation, engagement, and creativity.

7. Leveraging Technology: Integrate technology tools and resources that facilitate creative expression, such as multimedia creation, coding, virtual reality, or online collaboration platforms. These tools can empower students to explore new possibilities and engage in innovative ways of learning.

8. Emphasizing Reflection and Feedback: Incorporate regular reflection exercises where students can analyze their own learning process, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and set goals. Provide constructive feedback that encourages students to iterate and refine their creative work.

9. Cultivating an Innovation Mindset: Foster an environment that values risk-taking, resilience, and adaptability. Help students develop an innovation mindset by promoting a growth mindset, where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities and experimentation is encouraged.

10. Engaging with the Real World: Connect students with real-world contexts and professionals from various industries. Invite guest speakers, organize field trips, or facilitate internships and partnerships with local organizations. This exposure allows students to see the practical applications of their learning and encourages creative problem-solving.

Remember, transitioning from an analytical education approach to a more creative training environment requires a shift in teaching practices, curriculum design, and assessment methods. It's important to provide ongoing support, resources, and professional development opportunities for educators to effectively implement these changes and create an environment conducive to creativity and innovation." Source: ChatGPT 2023)

Vernon Chalmers - Never Stop Learning
Never Stop Learning :  "A gift that will always reward you...." Vernon Chalmers
“Optimism is an essential ingredient of innovation. How else can the individual welcome change over security, adventure over staying in safe places?” ― Robert Noyce, Intel

"We are bringing about the next great revolution in the history of mankind - the transition to the electronic age."  Gordon Moore, Intel

"Not all problems have a technological answer, but when they do, that is the more lasting solution."  Andy Grove, Intel

Go Back to Part 1 >>