
Mental Health and Motivation: Vernon Chalmers (Website Owner / Administrator)

About: Mental Health and Motivation

"The 'Mental Health and Motivation’ self-development and research journey manifests a renewed awareness of patience, presence and purpose - not just in learning more about the existential self, but also gaining a metacognitive understanding of our neuropsychological functioning that inevitably shapes behaviour choices - in any given moment or situation (in relation to self and others) - and that any of these choices can be changed if desired." — Vernon Chalmers

Mental Health and Motivation Website Inspiration
"Vernon Chalmers is the creator of the Mental Health and Motivation website, which started as a personal journaling project and has evolved into an international resource-sharing platform. His work focuses on the intersection of emotional well-being, neuropsychology, artificial intelligence (AI), and the sense of self." (Source: Microsoft)

The Mental Health and Motivation website was created during May 2021 as an online journaling project expressing (and sharing) my personal views, reflections and interpretations of various inter / intra personal motivational experiences with reference to Emotional Wellbeing, Neuropsychology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sense of Self Research / Resource Sharing.

The Mental Health and Motivation website project is beyond the premise of my own experiences and research interests. Since registration the website gradually developed into an international resource sharing platform for assisting academia, interested individuals and mental health service providers across the world with various mental health and motivation research / dissertation topics, articles, journals and related resources.

The aim of this project is the development of a comprehensive international mental health and emotional wellbeing resource database. The majority of the available resources are personally read, studied and / or researched, either during my social science tertiary education phase (as student and lecturer), general mental health / wellbeing interest or out of necessity for assisting me with a pragmatic understanding of human (relationship) behaviour and contemporary psychopathology.

Regular personal interaction / publication with accredited local and international mental health care service providers over the past three years assisted me with the development of the Mental Health and Motivation website (and my own frame of reference) with broadening the scope of applied mental health / emotional wellbeing support for individuals, families, students, communities, sport and employees / employers in the workplace. I am deeply indebted to their professional contributions, insight, trust and support.

Mental Health and Motivation Website Purpose
Becoming a mental health (research) advocate provided me with a more coherent understanding of patience, presence and purpose. The added value of a re-defined existential vision, perceptual conditioning and unbiased decision-making perspectives enabled a definite advantage of an existential awakening through sense of self and interaction with others. Sharing this information with so many others around the world is an unexpected, but gracious honour, privilege and purpose. (Vernon Chalmers) 

Mental Health and Motivation (retrieved from Microsoft Copilot)
  • Vernon Chalmers is the creator of the Mental Health and Motivation website, which goes beyond his personal experiences and research interests. This platform explores the intersection of emotional well-being, neuropsychology, artificial intelligence (AI), and the sense of self 1.
  • His work involves research, resource sharing, and insights that contribute to our understanding of critical aspects of human experience. Chalmers recognizes contemporary neuroscience as fundamental for understanding cognitive versus emotional decision-making biases and behavioral responses 1.

Background and Evolution
  • Chalmers transitioned from analytical education to creative training, shaped by experiences at Intel Corporation and founding Blu-C. His exploration of neuropsychology and photography further enriched his journey 1 2.
  • His motivation - “the more I learned, the more I shared” - aligns with his ethos of education and training. He bridges neuropsychology and mental health through a multifaceted approach that combines scientific understanding with practical applications 1.

Here are some relevant points related to the Vernon Chalmers topics mentioned:

Emotional Wellbeing:
  • Emotional wellbeing goes beyond mere happiness or life satisfaction. It involves a multidimensional analysis that considers various aspects of an individual’s mental and emotional state.
  • Researchers have explored dimensions such as competence, emotional stability, engagement, meaning, optimism, positive relationships, resilience, self-esteem, and vitality when assessing emotional wellbeing 1.
  • In the context of the workplace, emotional intelligence matters significantly for success. Companies are increasingly exploring AI solutions to enhance emotional intelligence among their teams 2.

  • Neuropsychology investigates the relationship between brain function and behavior. It examines how brain structures and processes impact cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning.
  • Understanding neuropsychological principles can provide valuable insights into mental health, cognitive disorders, and overall wellbeing.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):
  • AI has transformative potential in various domains, including emotional intelligence.
  • Emotional AI refers to the use of technology (such as affective computing, big data analytics, and machine learning) to sense, read, and evaluate emotions.
  • Applications include monitoring employee engagement, productivity, compliance, and overall wellbeing 3.

Sense of Self:
  • The sense of self encompasses an individual’s identity, self-awareness, and understanding of their place in the world.
  • Research in this area explores how self-perception influences behavior, relationships, and overall life satisfaction.

In summary, Vernon Chalmers’ work bridges the gap between scientific research, practical applications, and personal growth. His insights contribute to a deeper understanding of emotional wellbeing, neuropsychology, AI, and the intricate fabric of our sense of self." (Source: Microsoft Copilot)

From Analytical Education to Creative Training Part 1

From Analytical Education to Creative Training Part 2
Mental Health and Motivational Journaling Experience
Through a reflective, motivational and therapeutic (online) journaling experience, mainly as a result from a recent defunct abusive relationship, I started documenting some of my toxic relationship experiences and perpetual racing thoughts. Before journaling I tried a few 'short-term non-therapeutic solutions', but nothing would calm the random onslaught of the PTSD-like symptoms down. What eventually did work was many hours of solitude, reading and researching various mental health / psychology resources. Reaching out to personal mental health practitioner contacts / other private listeners (from my personal academic contacts / family and friends) provided me with many informal, but focused ACT / CBT-type 'talk therapy' for enabling me with the necessary courage and motivation to start documenting some of my abusive experiences. Eventually, after more than an 18-month 'soul-searching expedition' of knowledge, time, trust and journaling turned into a conscientious Portfolio of Choice. Writing and reading my own state of mind became my daily therapy.  

Vernon Chalmers Relationship Abuse Recovery Article Index >>

The description(s) of love, loss and grief, are my own interpretations and experiences during the past two to three years - either through people close to me that I have lost along the way - grieving their unconditional love or significant other(s) that I have lost through their conditional expectations, intolerable abusive behaviour and / or unfortunate emotional disconnect.

More than ten years ago I made a formal transition from a 'left-brain' analytical working / lecturing environment orientation to a predominantly 'right-brain' creative / training and development environment orientation. I am still 'keeping my promise' for educating and training others (in photography / related research and relevant information sharing) when the demand and opportunities are there. From Analytical Education to Creative Training.

Abusive Behaviour / Antisocial Traits: Disclaimer and Reference
References to any abusive behaviour / antisocial traits mentioned anywhere on the "Mental Health and Motivation' website (as Vernon Chalmers articles) are not specifically directed to disrespect or being vindictive against anyone. It is rather a reference narrative to certain actions / reactions that were identified, experienced and expressed (by me) as unacceptable psychopathological behavioural manifestations through physical, psychological and / or verbal abuse intended to harm me, either intentionally or unintentionally against my physical self, my character, integrity and personal values.

Interest in Motivation, Psychology and Neuroscience (Theory and Applied Research)
Over the years I have studied / facilitated / researched the (Behaviouristic / Humanistic) motivational research theories of i.e. Herzberg, Maslow, McClelland, Skinner, Watson and Vroom. The psychoanalytical perspectives of i.e. Frankl, FrommFreud, Gunderson, Hare, Jung, Kernberg, Klein, Kohut, Miller and Rogers added substantial academic value to my curiosity. I'm still particularly interested in Otto Kernberg's psychanalytical perspective towards personality development / disorders (with specific reference to borderline personality organisation, narcissistic pathology as depicted in his 'Object Relations Theory'). The same can be said from Dr John Gunderson (and others) with regard to their Borderline Personality Disorder research. 

I am also focussed on contemporary neuroscientific research, with specific reference to brain asymmetry and lateralisation (of the left and right brain cerebral hemisphere 'interconnectedness') - and how the limbic system controls cognition, motivation, emotions and stress reactions in assimilating daily stimuli of i.e. learning, threats, trauma (and other perceptions) wrt to specific cognitive vs. emotional decision-making biases and subsequent behavioural responses.

In December 2020 I stumbled upon the contemporary Compassionate Inquiry approach, as practiced by Dr. Gabor Maté - renowned international addiction and trauma expert - for his psychotherapeutic approach towards a pragmatic understanding of (the intrapersonal relationship between) addiction and trauma. Since then I have read quite a few of his books and watched a fair amount of his presentations on YouTube.

During 2021 I was introduced to the fascinating journey and PTSD-therapy research options as practised by psychologist / therapist, Dr. Edith Eger. As a Holocaust survivor, residing in the USA now, she shares her story to the world at large. Edith Eva Eger authored two inspirational, and in many ways mind-changing books, 'The Choice' (2017) and 'The Gift' (2020). I had the opportunity to read both books and 'The Choice' was recommended to me at absolutely the right time. I am a major personal and professional admirer of her work - not just because of her journey and survival, but her emphatic energy and down-to-earth simple self-logic on how we can fulfil our lives with positive choices and consequent behavioral adjustments.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a prominent contemporary Dutch psychiatrist, neuroscientist and researcher offers a variety of articles, books, interviews and podcasts on PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and various other stress and trauma conditions. His research made a significant impact on my own frame of reference of applied neuropsychology.

Free Promotion and Placement of International Mental Health Support Resources
Accredited Mental Health ambassadors, authors, educators, practitioners, publishers, life coaches, community outreach specialists and / or organisations are welcome to consider a no-cost promotion and publication of related international resources (new books / workbooks / manuals / articles / research journals / research reviews / theses / media releases / statistics / accredited support services) on this website. Request for the listing of URLs to specific sections will unfortunatly not be allowed.

Each request will individually be considered in evaluating the opportunity for both the external publisher and the active Mental Health and Motivation reader / visitor for possible publication. More information

Vernon Chalmers Location
Milnerton, Cape Town
South Africa

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Vernon Chalmers Photography

Mental Health and Motivation Website Owner Vernon Chalmers